Wednesday 18 March 2015

Neoclassical Period

One of the Neoclassical rooms of the Palace of Caserta
Neoclassical period started in Italy in 1700's and 1800's.   

A Western movement which was named Neoclassicism started the revival  to simplify both Baroque and Rococo  flamboyant styles. The revival took part during the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century.

Pompeii & Herculaneum

In the year  79 A.D.,  Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried  Pompeii and Herculaneum under the thick  volcanic ashes. 

The discoveries during the excavation of Pompeii and Herculaneum became an inspiration and a major influence to neoclassicism.
Neptune and Salacia, wall mosaic
The excavated triclinium with a nymphaeum decorated with coloured mosaics and the reproduce triclinium.
A triclinium is a Roman formal dining room, which consists of three low square table.
Spencer House in London
The Spencer House in London is one if the first neoclassical house built by James 'Athenian" Stuart in Northern Europe in 1759.
The wall painting is inspired by the the wall paintings from the Vatican, the exterior architecture of the basilica  is featured inside and it is commonly symmetrical.
Neocalssical house is more focused on the architecture and art.

An authentic Roman interior vocabulary have been recreated and Pompeian motifs and colours became popular during this period (here)

Pompeian red

Most of the technologies invented during the neoclassical period were designed with neoclassical attributes, like the neoclassical typewriter and the mass produced teaspoons.
Neoclassical teaspoon
Neoclassical typewriter

Modern neoclassical interior design, furniture and art




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